A type of alternative medicine that differs from contemporary Western medicine in its core belief that illnesses can be treated by using substances that cause the symptoms of the disease itself. The substances that cause symptoms are diluted in water or alcohol in 9 or 99 parts and then succussed vertically 10 or 100 times according to the dilution ratio. This is referred to as potencies 1D or 1C. Subsequently, the 1D or 1C substance is further diluted in ratios of 1:10 or 1:100 and succussed again 10 or 100 times, referred to as potencies 2D or 2C. The therapeutic potency increases with each successive dilution and succussion.
The use of the herbal plant called Eupatorium Perfoliatum to help reduce the likelihood of dengue fever. This is achieved by using plants, herbs, minerals, and extracts that have undergone a process of dilution to obtain substances suitable for treating the disease.
Pharmaceutical forms
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